The Bingol University Vocational School of Technical Sciences publishes the internationally peer-reviewed Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences. In the field of science (engineering, basic sciences, architecture-planning-design), both Turkish and international, original and unpublished articles, compilations, technical notes, letters to the editor, discussions, and case reports are published with the intention of disseminating the scientific findings derived from the study to a broad readership.
Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences publishes original articles, compilations, technical notes, letters to the editor, discussions and case reports in Turkish or English from the fields of Science (Engineering, Basic Sciences, Architecture-Planning-Design). Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences is published only online.
Scientific studies sent to our journal;
* Must be original, unpublished elsewhere and not plagiarized. Therefore, your submission will be scanned with the help of software during the article upload process. It is expected that the plagiarism rate of your article is below 20%.
* Explanations about the article (supporting organization, project name, etc.) must be written separately.
* If the article is accepted, a “Copyright Transfer Agreement” signed by the responsible author and other authors must be sent to our journal. No royalty fee will be paid to the authors. With this agreement, all publishing rights of the article are transferred to our journal.
*** If the spelling rules specified below are not followed, the article will be returned to the author for the necessary corrections to be made during the pre-control phase.
1. The article must be uploaded as a Microsoft Word file by the responsible author to our journal's DergiPark ( ) address. The responsible author is responsible for following all processes of the article.
2. Articles sent to our journal for publication must be written in either Turkish or English. Articles that have been pre-reviewed by the “editor” and/or “editorial board” and deemed suitable for evaluation are published after receiving the positive opinion of referees from the relevant scientific field. After the pre-control and evaluation processes, authors must submit the suggested corrections within 15 days at the latest (30 days if an experimental addition is requested). Otherwise, the article will be rejected.
3. In order for previously unpublished research articles, compilations and full-text presentations to be published in our journal, they must be prepared in accordance with the rules stated below.
a) Research Article: Completed original and unique studies prepared as a result of scientific research and experimental studies.
b) Compilation: Original articles evaluating the findings obtained from research conducted on an important, useful and current topic by an author who is an expert on that topic upon the invitation of the editor.
4. If the article is written in Turkish; The cover page must include the Turkish title, the names of the authors and their contact/address information, and ORCID numbers. The full text file should consist of the Turkish title, Abstract, Keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Conclusion, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References sections.
If the article is written in English; The cover page should include the English title, authors' names and contact/address information, ORCID numbers. The full text file should consist of the Title, Afflilation, Abstract, Keywords, Turkish Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References sections. Note: The results and discussion sections can be combined under the Results and Discussion title.
5. On the cover page, the author name(s) should be written clearly without any academic title, numbered and their addresses should be written below. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be stated.
6. The abstract should not be less than 100 words and not more than 300 words. The abstract should include the subject, purpose and summary of the results of the research. The use of non-standard abbreviations and formulas should be avoided as much as possible in the abstract. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses after their long forms are written where they are first used, and only these abbreviations should be used afterwards. For example; Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCF). It should continue to be used as SCF in the text.
7. A maximum of 6 keywords should be used. Words should be separated with a comma (,) and other words should be written by leaving a one-character space (Enzyme, Molecular Weight, Activity,…).
8. Main section titles should be written in bold and capital letters (1. GİRİŞ or 1. INTRODUCTION), 2nd degree titles should be written in bold and the first letter of the words should be capitalized (2.1. Subtitle), 3rd degree titles should be written in bold and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized and all other words should be written in lower case letters (2.1.1. Third degree title).
9. The Turkish and English title of the article should be short, descriptive and should not exceed 250 characters.
10. Except for the Turkish and English titles, the rest of the article should be written justified.
11. The text should be written on an A4 page, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with single line spacing.
12. A 2.5 cm margin should be left on the right, left, bottom and top of the page.
13. The text should be written in a single column, and all pages should be numbered.
14. For Figures and Tables, the terms “Figure”, “Table” should be used in Turkish articles; and “Figure”, “Table” should be used in English articles (Table 1./Table 1., Figure 1./Figure 1.). In addition, the words Figure 1., Table 1. should be written in bold. Explanations of figures should be written in 10 points below the figure. Table/Table title texts should be in 10 points and above Table/Table, and the content should be given in at least 8 points. Figure/Figure and Table/Table should be given in relevant places in the main document, should not be uploaded as a separate file or added to the end of the text. The resolution of figures should be at least 300 dpi. Objects other than text and tables (images, graphics, figures) should definitely be in JPEG, PNG or TIFF format. There should be no frame around figures. Each figure and table should definitely be referred to in the text and the number and explanation of that figure or table should be given below figures and above tables. Important Note: All decimal numbers in the text or tables should be written using a comma in Turkish articles and a period in English articles.
15. Formulas should be numbered and the formula number should be shown in parentheses, justified to the right next to the formula. Formulas should be in 12-point font, main characters and variables should be given in italics, numbers and mathematical expressions should be given in plain text. Citations should be made in the text and should be given as “Equality 1.”
16. The “/” sign should not be used when writing units, instead it should be made exponential by leaving a space (EU mg-1 instead of EU/mg).
*** If the Reference writing rules specified below are not followed, the article will be returned to the author for necessary corrections to be made during the pre-control phase.
1. The References section should be written in Times New Roman characters in 12-point font size.
2. Vancouver reference system [numbering in square brackets] should be used in the references. Citations to a source in the text from articles, conferences, theses and web pages should be written in square brackets, numbered and starting from [1]. If the author's surname is used in the text, a notation such as Dilsiz et al. [1] or Alberts et al. [1] should be used if the article is in English. Each source used in the text should be included in the reference list. The reference list should be organized as in the examples given below:
For articles with 1-6 authors;
[1] Kwan I, Mapstone J. Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Accid Anal Prev. 2004;36(3):305-12.
[2] Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005;62(1):112-6.
For articles with more than 6 authors;
[3] Hallal AH, Amortegui JD, Jeroukhimov IM, Casillas J, Schulman CI, Manning RJ, et al. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography accurately detects common bile duct stones in resolving gallstone pancreatitis. J Am Coll Surg. 2005;200(6):869-75.
[4] Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2009.
[5] Dybvig DD, Dybvig M. Det tenkende mennesket. Filosofiog vitenskapshistorie med vitenskapsteori. 2nd ed. Trondheim: Tapir academy forlag; 2003.
Book Chapter:
[6] Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press; 1976. p. 165-78.
[7] Nørvåg K. Space-efficient support for temporal text indexing in a document archive context. 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 511-22.
[8] Hasund IK. The discourse markers like in English and liksom in Norwegian teenage language: A corpus-based, cross-linguistic study [dissertation]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2003.
[9] Kapperud G. Utbruddsveil [Internet]. I Folkehelseins; 2016 [cited 2016 Jun 30]. Available from:
Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences publishes two issues per year.
Scientific articles published in the journal must be written in English or Turkish.
The similarity rate of articles published in the journal must be under 20% by scanning the index. (In the 3rd step of the article upload process, your article will be examined with the software integrated into the system interface. Necessary information is provided with system notifications in the relevant step)
Authors sign an agreement stating that the article has not been published on another platform before and approve the publication of the article by our journal.
The following points must be followed under the heading of ethical rules.
1- Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2- Under this heading, information about ethical rules must be provided under separate headings for the referee, author and editor.
3- Articles should include a statement indicating that Research and Publication Ethics have been complied with.
4- Ethical principles should be stated under a separate heading in the journal and/or web page, referring to national and international standards. For example; in scientific articles sent to journals, the recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) should be taken into consideration.
5- In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information regarding the permission (board name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information indicating that the informed consent/consent form was signed should be included in the article.
6- Copyright regulations must be observed for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Our journal expects authors, readers, researchers, referees and editors to comply with the principles regarding ethical rules during the publication process of the studies. In these studies, attention should be paid to the standard, general and specific ethical rules and responsibilities shared below, according to the open access guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
I. General actions against scientific research and publication ethics
a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures or works of others as one's own work, partially or completely, without citing them in accordance with scientific ethical rules,
b) Forgery: Producing data not based on research, editing or changing the presented or published work based on false data, reporting or publishing these, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it has been conducted,
c) Distortion: Falsifying research records and obtained data, presenting methods, devices and materials not used in the research as if they were used, not evaluating data that is not in accordance with the research hypothesis, tampering with data or results to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, falsifying or shaping research results in line with the interests of persons and organizations from which support is received,
ç) Duplicate publication: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions,
d) Slicing: Separating the results of a research into pieces in an inappropriate manner and citing each other in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research presenting as separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by publishing numerous publications without doing so,
e) Unfair authorship: Adding people who do not actively contribute to the article as authors, not including people who do actively contribute among the authors, changing the author order in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those who actively contribute from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, using one’s influence to have one’s name included among the authors even though one has not actively contributed,
f) Other types of ethical violations: Not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions in the publications of research conducted with support, not complying with ethical rules in research conducted on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in publications, sharing information in a work that one has been assigned to review as a referee with others before publication, using resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research for purposes other than intended, making completely unfounded, unfounded and intentional accusations of ethical violation (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8)
II. Responsibilities of Stakeholders
1. Responsibilities of Authors
· All data in the article must be declared to be real and original.
· It is mandatory to make any plagiarism, errors, suspicious situations and suggested corrections that are shown as a result of the preliminary evaluation or referee evaluation. If not, the reason should be stated consistently.
· The “References” of the article or research must be prepared completely and in accordance with the writing rules of our journal.
· Plagiarism and fake data must be avoided.
· The research must not be allowed to be published in more than one journal.
2. Responsibilities of Referees
Our journal administration is committed to the successful execution and improvement of the refereeing process within the framework of ethical publishing rules. Stakeholders and readers of the research are welcome to report any plagiarism, duplicate publication, inaccuracy, suspicious content or situations they see in the reviews published in our journal to The data obtained on the subject is reported to the relevant parties and the results are followed up. It is based on the following principles that referees must comply with.
· Evaluations must be conducted impartially.
· There must be no conflict of interest between referees and the stakeholders of the article in question.
· It must indicate that other articles, works, sources, references, rules and similar deficiencies related to the article have been completed.
· Articles evaluated based on the double-blind refereeing system or their referees must not be disclosed.
4. Responsibilities of Editors
· Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. They must use this responsibility and authority appropriately and on time.
· Editors must not have a conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject.
· Editors must accept articles that are original and will contribute to their field.
· Editors must reject incomplete and erroneous research that does not comply with the journal policy, publication rules and level without being influenced in any way.
· Editors must allow incorrect, incomplete and problematic articles to be withdrawn before or after the referee report or to be published after being corrected.
· Editors ensure that articles evaluated by at least two referees are evaluated according to the double-blind refereeing system and keep the referees confidential.
Editors check the plagiarism status of articles and whether they are unpublished original research through the “İ” plagiarism program.
5. Plagiarism Policy
The scanning index of articles published in the journal is done with the İ software integrated into the DergiPark system. The similarity rate must be below 20%. (In the third step of the article upload process, your article will be examined with the software integrated into the system interface. The necessary information is provided with system notifications in the relevant step)
Editors, referees and authors are required to comply with international publication ethics rules and that the articles comply with the writing rules.
Experimental Research Ethics Rules
In Experimental Research; In the publications of research conducted with support, it is mandatory to clearly state the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research, to comply with ethical rules in research conducted on humans and animals, and to respect patient rights in publications within the context of the Experimental Research Ethics Rules. It is the fundamental principle of our journal not to harm the ecological balance and animal health in experiments within the scope of experimental research. The necessary ethical permissions for the studies to be conducted within this scope must be obtained from the relevant official institutions and added to the relevant file during the submission of the article to our journal. All responsibility in this regard belongs to the author.
Important Issues Preventing the Publication of Articles!
1. Plagiarism screening result is high
2. The Editorial Board does not approve
3. The author does not have an ORCID allocation number
4. The article is not prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules
5. The Turkish and English title and abstract are not missing or not prepared properly
6. Except for the special decision of the Editorial Board, the author exceeds two articles per year (no more than one in each issue)
7. The article is deemed inadequate in terms of content, layout, method, discussion, bibliography, language, etc. in the editorial preliminary review
8. In studies requiring an ethics committee document, the necessary document is not uploaded and the situation regarding the ethics committee document is not stated in the material and method section
9. Articles whose evaluation process cannot be completed before the journal enters the publication process cannot be published until the evaluation/revision process is completed.
There is no article processing fee in our journal.
This journal is prepared and published by the Bingöl University Technical Sciences journal team.